Monday, January 5, 2009

AWNM 2 Intro-3


BernardoT2012 said...

I think that it went better than expected. There wasyn't really a general topic besides brains and the book. Which is pretty broad. We didn't rant as much (I did a little, regrettably) as I thought we were going to. I think we went went into to detail on some topics, but not on all of them.

We started off strong, then we kind of slowed down the conversation, but then we sped up and ran out of time at the end.

Austin Davis said...

Overall, everything ran well. The only suggestion I have is that maybe the outer and inner circle should work together a little bit more so the conversation is constantly moving.This would allow us to cover more topics.

robertc2012 said...

I really enjoyed the fishbowl yesterday. I found the topic interesting, and was excited to join the inner circle and just talk about what we thought about information and facts and creativity. Sometimes a subject may seem not that exciting when you read it by yourself, but it comes alive when you discuss it.
Each sense will be fun to discuss with the class, and I'm looking forward to it. I think it worked very well and that we don't need to change anything.

PeterH2012 said...

Our fishbowl yesterday was pretty good, but not one of our best. There were a fair amount of silences in the inner circle, and we had some trouble getting started. I think that the presenters had a good amount of information, but they didn't turn them into questions. There were also a few tangents that didn't really help the discussion. The outer circle did a good job coming into the inner circle, and they also sent some good questions in. I think that before Daniel Pink comes in, we need the presenters need to work on collecting relevant information, that isn't only from the book, and also turn those into questions, even if they have to write them down.

bayleyk2012 said...

I think that the inner circle had a really good discussion. We didn't talk about one topic for too long. Though sometimes we did tend to stray from the topic we were given. We covered a lot of the material that Mr.Pink talks about in the first 61 pages of AWNM. From outsourcing to what will better our education. I think that one of the most interesting topics was how we can prepare for jobs and how to choose jobs that cannot be outsourced. Overall I believe that it was a very informative and interesting discussion.

BernardoT2012 said...

Does anyone think that we should do some demonstrations/ experiments of our own on the different senses?

It would be nice to have more experience with the senses before we talked to Pink.

Carolyn F. said...

I thought that overall the bowl went well yesterday. The conversation in the inner circle never died and the blog conversations kept going. I think that some very interesting topics came up that were still on topic. I think that presenters kept everyone on track most of the time. There were one or two times where a topic went astray but it wasn't too bad. I know that we can keep improving in our discussions and become better 'fishbowlers' than we already by just keeping up the questions and having everyone come prepared, not just presenters and discussers.

Anonymous said...

The fishbowl was very good. However, next Thursday I'd like to see everyone move from the outer circle to the inner circle! I think this is very important, especially since we are the only high school that gets to talk with Daniel Pink. I don't think it would be very fun for Mr. Pink if he didn't get to hear all of us speak. Even if you don't really have much to say, you should just get into the inner circle and throw a question or an opinion into the conversation. This is very important.... when else in your life do you get to talk to a famous author?! Probably, for most of us, never again. Maybe some of us would get to talk with an author again in the future, but really, look at this realistically. We get to talk to an author, and we must seize this opportunity, use it, and most importantly, learn. Yes, we must learn from these two conversations we get to hold with Daniel Pink. Getting two hours to talk to an author is major. I say we do our best! Don't try to do your best. A lot of people say they try, but don't do. We must do!! Who's with me?

robertc2012 said...

Wait, there is one thing we could change. Sometimes the inner circle is talking about the subject and then the outer circle is blogging about who knows what, like Asutin said. Anyone have any ideas how to synchronize the circles?

Laurao said...

I thought that this discussion was very good. The only thing that I believe we should still try to do better is starting up the conversations and debates a little earlier in the discussion. This most certainly takes practice. If we had more thougts written for different points we would be a little bit more ready for what the presenters will be asking. One really good thing that we have been improving on is the outer circle coming into the inner circle to discuss, that is a major part of discussions and we have really mastered that. Other than that I think that Daniel Pink will be very impressed and that we should really be proud of ourselves. Good job guys!

mariep2012 said...

I think that the fishbowl went really well yesterday. The presenters came with some great questions which got the discussion really going in the inner circle. One thing that I think we need to improve on is not going off on some tangent when we are trying to keep to a topic and figure out something. Several times yesterday during the time I was in the inner circle, we were trying to come to the conclusion about what we need to do in order to improve education. We kept getting into stuff like Taylor Swift and giant blueberries instead of trying to figure out the conclusion we were ting to come to. So next time we just need to be aware of if our comments are relevent or not. When I was in the outer circle, things were going well. Many people were questioning others' opinions and comments which made the discussion interesting. In all, the fishbowl went well because everyone contributed their ideas and opinions that ultimately led us to some deep conclusions.

AustinW2012 said...
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Brianc2012 said...
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nickb2012 said...

I think we did a good job on the fishbowl on thursday. For the inner circle, I think they could have had a little more conversation change. The inner circle did a good job not getting completely lof the subject.

And i also think that the blog should have been everyone in one or two conversations because when everyone starts to break off and 2 people are talking to eachother, then that makes it hard for those not in the conversation to join in.

jays2012 said...

This was our first fishbowl in about a month maybe more and was a practice to get back to what we normally do. So saying that, I thought that it was good but we kinda lost track of the questions. Also, in the inner circle, it was about the first three chapters and some people started talking bout parts halfway through the book that I haven't read so I didn't understand those parts. It was good for a first and it shows that we can just improve from this and it will make our next fishbowl even stronger and more fun.

ashleys2012 said...

Our Fisch Bowl yesterday went better than I expected. I was a little nervous presenting in the inner circle. This is because discussing a book such as A Whole New Mind is extremely different than discussing a book such as The Chosen.

Our presenters, discussers and everyone from the outside circle that came in the inner circle did a great job discussing and bringing up great points and counterpoints. Looking over the replay of the blog, everyone on the outside circle did a great job as well.

Suggestions for next Fisch Bowl is staying more on topic. At times, the inner circle’s discussion strayed from the main point, came back to it, then strayed again. However, everyone brought up valid points and the Fisch Bowl was very successful overall.

Anonymous said...


That's a good idea, but do you mean before the first conversation or before the second conversation? That's all I'd like to know.

kaleidoscope_eyes said...

I'm not sure we reached a solid conclusion on this one. In fact, we never really had a solid topic for our conversation. It kindof just ranged over a variety of things. The introduction was mostly giving you the facts so that you can understand the ideas explained in the rest of the book, so there wasn't much to debate. We kindof spend most of the time arguing over what side of the brain was better.

The inner circle got really full, and i think that we should have less seats there, but rotate them often.

I did not see this as a very productive fischbowl. Anyone want to argue otherwise?

alisonr2012 said...

Yesterdays fishbowl went better than expected. At the beginning the conversation was strong but towards the middle the conversation kind of died and we strayed off topic. By the end of class the conversation was strong again but we ran out of time. I think we could have gone more in depth of some topics but otherwise it was good.

katieh2012 said...

Well to start I would like to mention the fact that the outer circle did a good job of getting involved in the inner circle. There was much more involvement/movement than we've had in the past. I still think there is room for improvement of course, but its definitely getting better.

I think the inner circle did an ok job of discussing the points that we did get to, but there are a few major points (like high touch) that didn't even get addressed. I do understand that it was a really broad section- the basic introduction of many major ideas- but I think they should have taken that into account and not worried about being quite as in depth as they were. Also I think that the discussion got a little off topic at times, but that is understandable.

From what I was able to read on the outer circle (I was in the inner circle for a while) I think there were some good questions asked and even better answers for those questions.

I think it was a pretty good "practice", now we just have to focus on the more specific topic for next time. It’s going to be an important one!

robertc2012 said...

Bernardo- that would be pretty neat to bring in things to experiment with for each sense. (Mrs. Smith suggested the Wii for the Play sense...?) Or maybe we can bring in Legos to play with. Or maybe for Story we can have someone tell a story, then someone tell some facts, then at the end of hour see how much each person remembers from them.

mariep2012 said...

Bernardo - If you mean the portfolio parts of the book, then I agree with you! Not only will it prepare us but it looks like it will be fun too!

Brianc2012 said...

I think that we did a good job on the fishbowl yesturday. The inner circle had a lot of good ideas to talk about while the outer circle had very good conversations on cover it live. It is hard to fishbowl about a non-fiction book, but I think for our first time we did very well. The inner circle didn't stray to far from the book and when they did stray they came back to ideas from AWNM. In The outer circle everyone contributed different opinions and ideas. Sometimes the inner circle people were talking over each other, but over all they did a very good job. Also, many people from the outer circle used their legs to get up and go to the inner circle.

john c said...

Well, for the most part, I think that the Fishbowl went well yesterday. The Outer circle worked pretty well on the blog, and still was able to enter the Inner Circle and did so often enough.

The Inner Circle worked pretty well too. For as much as I listened, they were only off topic once that I can remember. They were able to hit many different (Although Similar) subjects, and still were ready to keep talking after teh bell rang.

Some suggestions that I have to improve the next Fishbowl is mabye expanding more on different topics. I mean, for a lot of the time, the inner circle and parts of the outer were talking just about outsourcing. That comes from just the first chapter of the book. There was so much more that we could have gone into (I mean it was intro through three) that we didn't get to talk about. Also, I think Bernardo has a valid point. We should try to keep things at a steady pace, and stay strong the whole way through



loganc2012 said...

Yesterday I think that overall the fishbowl went really well overall. However, I think that the inner circle began somewhat slow. It took a little bit for discussion to pick up. Once it did pick up we got into some interesting discussions and it went really well. The presenters came with some great questions as well. One thing that disappointed me was that not everyone on the inner circle talked. They did not contribute to the discussion which was very unfortunate because they did not share their opinion with the class. In the outer circle things went great. The discussion was thought provoking and was constantly progressing.

AustinW2012 said...

One thing in the fishbowl I saw that I liked was whenever the discussion went off topic a student would bring us back aside from one time where Ms. Smith did. One thing I did not like on a more personal level was I again failed to talk a good amount in the discussion. I did however comment more than usual so It's getting better. I also noticed a missing connection between the outer and inner circles. I think The inner circle (including me) should look on the blog more in the future. I also think one problem was I found the general first three chapters to be a hard topic to discuss. The future chapters in the book are all centered around the senses so you can focus on that but the first three chapters seemed to just be and introduction to set up the further points. I think this will make future fishbowls more fun and productive. Overall I think we are headed to an impressive level of fishbowling.

stellab2012 said...

The live blog yesterday, I think went pretty well. It started out kind of rocky and slow because it was the first fishbowl for A Whole New Mind, but as the discussion picked up, the discussion in both the inner circle and in the outer circle became more in depth. It was also, from what I can remember, one of the first times that most of the outer circle joined in the inner circle. At one point there were only a few in the outer circle having a discussion together. Everyone was really involved this time, and I think it’s because most of us are really enjoying the book and its concept so we have a lot to say and to build off of. Also, rambling and off topic conversations were not as common as they usually are. We were able to pick up on slowing topics and everyone worked well together.

ericak2012 said...

I believe that our live blogging yesterday went rather well. But, I think that all of us in the class were able to gain something from it. I had a conversation with Bernardo about how schooling systems in different places have different schedules and different focuses and we talked about how this applies to outsourcing.
I liked how we all seemed to be having different conversations on the outer circle, there would be a couple of people talking about one thing and another couple of people talking about another. It let there be many subjects at a time.

Maxe2012 said...

The fishbowl went pretty well yesterday. There were some pretty good discussions and some pretty interesting ideas brought up. The inner circle didn't seem as talkative as it usually is but it wasn't too bad. We didn't go off topic too much which is good because sometimes we do. We didn't really focus on one little detail either like we sometimes do. We kept bringing up different topics which is good. So overall I would say the fishbowl went well.

AllisonM2012 said...

I felt that this fishbowl was much more difficult than ones that we have previously had. The reason for this is probably because it was nonfiction writing that we were discussing. There were so many more topics that could be discussed with nonfiction compared to a fiction novel that I felt that we didn’t discuss as much as we normally do. We stayed on the same topics and didn’t move on or get as much out of them compared to previous fishbowls because the topic was not as focused; most of the conversation revolved around right brain vs left brain. We didn’t discuss what Pink was trying to prove, we need a WHOLE new mind to compete in the future not just a strong right side or left side. Furthermore, all that we did talk about was right vs left and a little bit of outsourcing. He wrote much more than that in his first 65 pages.

chelseac2012 said...

I thought the fishbowl went rather well. It wasn’t our best, but it was not bad at all. But I think it was a stronger conversation on the blog rather than the inner circle. That might be because it is easier to get ideas out through the blog instead of having to try and get your voice heard. Sometimes, while in the inner circle, Smitty had to jump in to get us into a stronger topic or to break the silence. We’ve had better fishbowls but the discussion was strong.
I liked how everyone goes into depth in their answers on the blog, when I looked at it some of the replies to other questions were lengthy and strong arguments. Also, in the inner circle, there was a lot of talking and few silences, which is good. My problem with being in the inner circle is, when I have an idea and want to share, it’s hard to talk over the others and get a chance to say what I want. But then again, I am often quiet and it’s difficult for me to be heard because of it.
What I found interesting was how many outside sources were brought in; Tristan commented on Joseph Stalin at 8:52 on the blog and Leslie brought up the largest blueberry. It’s really fascinating to hear these outside thoughts.
Overall: Good Fishbowl!

alexandriab2012 said...

I thought that we could have all brought more things into the conversation because it felt like we kept having moments where no one would say anything so, all of us next time let’s bring in a few topics to talk about. Also, it felt like everyone kept getting off topic, I know that I even lost focus a couple times and started talking about other things so, next time let’s all be our own taskmaster.
The outer and inner circle both did very well; we talked about the topics that the book presented and constantly brought in interesting points talk about and discuss.

BernardoT2012 said...

Tristan- I think that we should set up something before the fischbowl, and actually do it during the conversation, that way we can record first impressions and how we analyze it.

ashleys2012 said...

Bernardo- I think that is a great idea! It would help us immensly to have that kind of experience. Maybe once we read further, we can do the activities that Daniel Pink puts in the back of each section.

annes said...

Here is my reflection: